Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sleep-Over with PawPaw and Nana

Ellie Reece is officially a big girl. She had her first overnight stay with PawPaw and Nana and loved it. PawPaw took Ellie Reece on walks in the stroller and Nana gave Ellie Reece baths in the sink. Somehow Nana manages to get Ellie Reece to fall asleep leaning next to her. I can never get her to fall asleep on me. Ellie Reece thinks PawPaw and Nana are the best. Her overnight stay gave Keny and I the freedom for a date night. We went to see Tranformers, had Mexican for dinner, and finished the night with a go-cart race! We had a blast.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


It is so fun to experience all the "firsts" with Ellie Reece. This week she rode in a grocery cart for the first time and had the time of her life. She reminds me all the time to enjoy each moment to the fullest. We are now eating "big girl" foods. I think this is a sweet potato face. Bathing in the sink is so much fun now. I remember begging my mom to wash my hair in the sink when I was young. Bathing Ellie Reece brought back so many memories of times with my mom.